We take on the responsibility for your data security so you can sleep soundly at night. And you’ll find that it really pays off. We abide by the information security checklist issued by the German Association of the Automotive Industry and are DEKRA-certified to TISAX Level 3. Leave it to the best, not the rest!
The demand for alternative propulsion systems in vehicles is growing ever stronger, the networking of systems is stepping up a gear and innovative mobility solutions are now the biggest trend in the automotive industry. The challenge is developing holistic concepts that are sustainable, needs-oriented and properly integrated. It’s time to see serious innovation on the roads!
People like to go on about their values, but we actually put them into practice.
Respect, trust and loyalty are particularly important to us, and we are committed to living by these principles as a collective. We are united by our passion for cars and fair dealings, and are proud of our close ties to our customers and employees. We practise what we preach!
We take on the responsibility for your data security so you can sleep soundly at night. And you’ll find that it really pays off. We abide by the information security checklist issued by the German Association of the Automotive Industry and are DEKRA-certified to TISAX Level 3. Leave it to the best, not the rest!
The demand for alternative propulsion systems in vehicles is growing ever stronger, the networking of systems is stepping up a gear and innovative mobility solutions are now the biggest trend in the automotive industry. The challenge is developing holistic concepts that are sustainable, needs-oriented and properly integrated. It’s time to see serious innovation on the roads!
People like to go on about their values, but we actually put them into practice.
Respect, trust and loyalty are particularly important to us, and we are committed to living by these principles as a collective. We are united by our passion for cars and fair dealings, and are proud of our close ties to our customers and employees. We practise what we preach!
CEIS – top-level automotive engineering
CEIS GmbH was founded in 2020 and is the youngest member of the globally active IVM Group. Through our passion and drive, we are successfully advancing the future formula of auto + mobility.
Make the most of our expertise in these fields
The automotive industry is something of a pioneer when it comes to mobility. The innovative edge that comes from our automotive engineering work can also be applied to lots of other areas. We harness these synergies to advance your project with a view to digital transformation and data engineering.
We bring in the high standards of the automotive industry as "best practice" and offer you a comprehensive range of engineering services based on our many years of experience.
We also use our extensive expertise for two-wheelers. Regardless of attempts, trials and safeguards through to accompanying services such as project, quality, process management and logistics - we are there for you!
Successful production relies on meticulously planned logistics. Fleet management is the key. Using IT, we ensure that you get the most out of your fleet, resulting in lower costs, less emissions and greater efficiency!
The automotive sector is often a pioneer when it comes to new technologies. We transfer innovative high-tech ideas from the automotive sector to provide you with a competitive edge. Shape the future of aviation by taking off with us!
Networking begins in people’s minds. As such, IT skills are just as key as the ability to shape industrial processes and carry them across into digital systems. Join us and experience the transformation!
Agricultural products are increasingly having to be transported over longer distances. The array of applications and demands are such that the very highest quality is required. We drive you forward!
Car-sharing is an essential factor in future mobility. It requires not just functioning software and IT infrastructure, but also project management that really works. We can help you with that!
Nowadays, leisure vehicles tend to have a lightweight design, which sometimes comes at the expense of safety. And often the customer is the one to realise this. This can prove expensive for you as the manufacturer. Leave your testing to us!
With our know-how and many years of experience, there are no limits to our engineering and solutions. How can we bring your project forward?
Damit Sie nachts ruhig schlafen können, übernehmen wir die Verantwortung in Sachen Datensicherheit für Sie. Und wir lassen uns das richtig was kosten. Wir folgen dem Fragenkatalog der Informationssicherheit des Verbandes der Automobilindustrie und sind von der DEKRA gemäß TISAX Level 3 zertifiziert. Die TISAX Prüfergebnisse sind im ENX Portal veröffentlicht. Verlassen Sie sich auf uns! Nicht auf andere…..!
Die Nachfrage nach alternativen Antrieben in Fahrzeugen wird lauter, die Vernetzung der Systeme nimmt zu und innovative Mobilitätslösungen sind die großen Trends der Automobilbranche. Die Herausforderung liegt darin, ganzheitliche Konzepte zu entwickeln, die nachhaltig, bedarfsorientiert und integriert sind. Es ist Zeit, Innovationen auf die Straße zu bringen!
Viele schreiben darüber aber wir tun es!
Respekt, Vertrauen und Loyalität sind uns ganz besonders wichtig. Deshalb fällt es uns auch nicht schwer, diese Grundsätze gemeinsam zu leben. Uns verbinden Leidenschaft und Emotion fürs Auto und das faire Miteinander. Und wir sind stolz auf die enge Bindung zu unseren Kunden und unseren Mitarbeitern. Wir sagen, was wir tun und wir tun was wir sagen!
CEIS – the strategic automotive engineering partner for you
As your strategic automotive engineering partner, we know all about the inextricable link between driving behaviour and the design and manufacture of modern cars. The automotive industry is seeing a steady advance in digitisation. E-mobility and increasing networking through innovative driver assistance systems are resulting in safer, more powerful and emission-free vehicles. Such developments are having a particularly big impact on companies in the traditional mould.
As a strategic automotive engineering partner, we delight our customers with a holistic approach to research and development that you can depend on throughout every phase of the product development process.
Service – our top priority in automotive engineering
At CEIS, we offer exceptional automotive engineering service from the early stages of development to well beyond the start of production (SOP). Our services focus on vehicle management, homologation and end-to-end solutions for all vehicle types. And it goes without saying that excellent IT support is an integral part of our automotive engineering portfolio.
Our services focus on technical expertise in the field of automotive engineering. You can depend on our qualified experts, who work according to the uno actu principle, providing everything you need from a single source. You can also make the most of our targeted deployment of temporary workers. What’s more, we are expanding our services to include high-voltage technology, e-mobility and autonomous driving.
CEIS – committed employees ensure excellent customer satisfaction
At CEIS GmbH, customer satisfaction provides the foundation for trust-based cooperation. Successful automotive engineering relies on close coordination with you and knowledge of your processes. Our familiarity with your specific wishes and requirements and deployment of cutting-edge methodology make us the dependable partner you need. We look forward to working with you!
Let us pinpoint your issues, understand them in full and work with you to find the perfect solution for your project.
Flat hierarchies: you benefit from excellent service focus
Selected clientele: you’re not just a number; you’re our top priority
Value-oriented approach: we treat you with respect, trust and loyalty
Shape future mobility with us
We’re keen to advance mobility and really make a difference. If you feel the same way, then apply for one of our advertised positions or send in a speculative application. We offer a pleasant working environment and great added benefits.
Apply nowFrequently asked questions about automotive engineering
What is automotive engineering?
Automotive engineering, like aerospace technology, is a specialist field of vehicle technology and concerns the development, design, construction and production of vehicles of all kinds. Other areas of focus include the development of new, energy-efficient propulsion technologies, ensuring the safety of vehicles and cost-effective concepts for vehicle construction.
What sub-areas does automotive engineering cover?
Sub-areas of automotive engineering include the design, development, manufacture and testing vehicles or vehicle components from the concept phase to production. Production, development and manufacturing are the three main functions.
Who are your automotive engineering services for?
Our services in the field of automotive engineering are intended for corporations or medium-sized companies in the automotive industry, suppliers or employers in the aerospace industry, shipbuilding, technical authorities, transport companies, enterprises dealing with construction and agricultural machinery, commercial vehicles and motorsports.
What qualifications and expertise do you have in the field of automotive engineering?
Engineering expertise, specialised technical knowledge, developing the technologies of tomorrow, customer focus and great communication, know-how, process orientation and all-round proficiency in battery technology, assistive systems and digital solutions.
Are you looking for staff in the field of automotive engineering?
We are a young, innovative and ambitious company working in the field of automotive engineering. And we expect those same qualities from our employees. We are always looking for committed, dependable applicants and accept applications for any of the vacancies advertised or unsolicited applications.
Why should you join us? Well, among other things, we:
• pay our employees over the industry average
• award bonuses
• offer flexible working time models
• provide advanced and further training opportunities
Visit our Careers page and apply. Secure a successful future with us!
What is modern safety engineering for vehicles?
Modern vehicles are made up of many complex systems. Safety engineering methods can be applied in almost every industry. One of the key tasks of safety engineering is to ensure and improve the safety of systems or products through analysis and targeted measures. This is especially true of the automotive sector, where safety systems and standards go back a long way. Safety engineering plays a key role in areas such as concepts for autonomous driving.
As a relatively young company, why are you a good choice for automotive engineering services?
We provide our customers with bespoke, professional, dependable support in the successful implementation of extensive development projects. These range from whole-vehicle applications to individual components. Our project managers are engineers who have a sound understanding of the technology coupled with expertise in project organisation and management. We advise our customers on time, cost and quality in order to achieve project objectives.